Art |
Sunrise 01.04.1973
Spring 02.06.1975
Youth 09.06.1975
Christmas 07.01.1973
Ukrainian 16.07.1977
Alexander 05.07.2006
Morning 14.10.1972
Belyaeva Lyuba 1976
Evening Tea 09.01.1973
Olenka 08.05.1972
Petrovna 1973
Grand Pas de Deux 1973
Nursing 21.09.1972
Stryapuha 05.01.1973
Cleaning of Shcarboons 07.05.1972
Pelmenimaker 07.06.1975
Thermopressing 16.08.1975
Electrotectologist V. Boiko 04.05.1973
Sleeping Boy 20.07.1975
Little Saxophonist 1973
Problems 1975
Kiss 04.03.1973
Tatyana 1976
Sad Walk 26.01.1973
Ñupola and Bell Tower 1977
Nyushka 09.06.1975
Letter 26.01.1975
Dispatcher 19.03.1973
Red Hamlet 1973
Hippie with the Stork 02.02.1973
Virulent Audiovirus 12.06.1975
Re Major ¹ 38 1972
Little Boy 26.07.1975
Morphonautics 13.05.1972
Flies 02.06.1975
Plato 10.12.2009
Aristotle 10.12.2009